You Have To Date…. To Fall In Love! Try SunTrim Plus® and You Will Love It!
My thoughts on Suntrim Plus® OK, this product has been around for months now and the testimonials are really starting to pour in! It seems that the...
Back to School Skin Care with Kandesn
Everyone wants to look their best! It is so important to use and enjoy Safe, healthy skin care. The Sunrider Skin care is just amazing! Unlike...
Sunrider Vitafruit – an Herbal Juice
I just love, love, love the Sunrider Vitafruit! If you want some fast, great tasting healthy exotic fruit super juice get yourself some Sunrider...
[Video] Vitashake – A Powerful Meal Replacement Shake
Vitashake for Weight Loss I love, love the Sunrider whole food Vitashake! It is full of healthy vegetables, herbs, flowers and full of exotic...
Calli Tea – Livestrong: the Benefits!
Calli Tea :I like reading health articles on LiveStrong Calli Tea, I found one that discusses the benefits of drinking the Sunrider Calli Tea and I...
Sunrider Founder Dr. Chen Debunks Four Popular Weight Loss Strategies
In a recent conference call, Sunrider founder Dr. Tei Fu Chen talks about four of the most popular weight loss strategies. Following is a summary of...
Amazing Sunrider Testimonials!
We are proud to announce that we have added an entire page to our website that's dedicated to tons amazing Sunrider testimonials! People love...
Sunrider’s Super Juices
Sunrider Super Juices Sunrider has four products it considers Super Juices: VitaFruit Fortune Delight Calli Evergreen They call them their "Super...
Introducing Sunrider’s Newest Product – The SunFit Pack!
I am excited to be back from the FREE Sunrider Baltic Cruise I was so fortunate to attend last month! I will tell you all about that in a separate...