We all want to feel Fit, Flexible, Vibrant and Strong – Baby Steps

We all want to feel Fit, Flexible, Vibrant and Strong – Baby Steps

Sunrider www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214

Sunrider Baby Steps


We all want to feel fit, Flexible, vibrant and strong – Baby Steps

We ALL want to be able to move our body when we want and how we want, without pain and restriction.  We want vibrant healthy young looking skin, no muscle pain, great looking teeth. We want flexibility, the feeling of energy and not feel lethargic. We all want a better nights sleep. We also want to wake up to a new day, rested and energized. 

We all know what we need to do….

We all know that we should, exercise, not smoke, eat a diet rich of fruits, vegetables, cut back on alcohol, be around uplifting positive people. Laugh, have fun with friends and family, Work in a healthy environment and contribute to the community.

Why is it that we don’t do or have all of the above? I Think it is because of our daily habits. Our feelings and our health are all related to the small actions we take (or don’t take) each and every day. 

My wife and partner in life, always says (she is 100% Right ALL the Time), that we can all start with baby steps to improve our health and wellbeing. 

Maybe NOW is a good time to take a good look at what habits we can change for the better.

Baby steps

The old saying “We are what we eat” is true. I know for a fact that i feel so much better when I eat a low calorie nutrient dense diet. Most people agree with me. Most people know the feeling of fatigue after eating too much or after eating a “heavy unhealthy meal”. 

We can start with baby steps. Let’s start with hydration. Let’s start with switching some of the everyday drinks and foods that we consume and see how we feel. I have found that switching out sodas, sugar drinks, “power drinks” and other caffeine drinks,  to drinking water and healthy drinks makes me feel better. 

The pure fact that we will not be digesting sugar and other unknown artificial ingredients into our body is already a plus. Drinking more water is an awesome way to change the PH level in your body from an acidic to an alkaline direction.

Try setting a bottle of water next to your bed at night just before you go to sleep. As you wake up, sit up in your bed and just relax and drink the bottle down, slowly and relaxed.

You will see, within the hour after you get up out of bed, you will feel “awake”. One of the reasons is that your body has dehydrated over the night time while you were asleep. Now During the rest of the day, make a small change (remember what my better half says – small baby steps) drink more water very few hours. If you want to really feel fabulous, you may want to add some Sunrider Fortune Delight Concentrated Herbal Beverage and Calli to your daily water intake.

I have found that my body feels so much better after switching “unhealthy” hydration to better cleaner healthy hydration.

The two drinks mentioned here Fortune Delight Drinks and Calli Drinks are full of a balance of Cleansing and Nourishing Plant Extracts.

Sunrider Fortune Delight

Sunrider Fortune Delight www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214

The Two drinks help Detoxify the body with Anti-Aging Antioxidants. They Enhance the bodies Natural Cleansing Process and Replenish and Hydrate the body with healthy nutrients.  

When I drink them (everyday for the last 27 years) I feel “light” energized, a healthy energy, unlike those “energy drinks”. My thinking is clear, and I sleep much better. I have lots of awesome stories about the two drinks…. I know you will see the difference in your everyday wellbeing, just by taking this one baby step and hydrate more with water and the Sunrider Fortune Delight Drink and the Calli Drink. They come in different flavors and packs of ten or sixty. You will love how your body feels. Your body will thank you for it!

Sunrider Calli Herbal Beverage www.SunHealthAz.com

Sunrider Calli Herbal Beverage. www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214

If you are like me and enjoy a little sweetness, you may want to add the Sunrider SunnyDew or the Sunrider Sunectar to your drinks as well. Up to you 🙂 

We Love SunnyDew!! Savor the flavor of our bestselling Stevia Supplement,

We Love SunnyDew Stevia!! Savor the flavor of our bestselling Stevia Supplement, SunnyDew! Www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214

Let’s start feeling better today with this small baby step and from there you might feel better and we can start on the rest of the list above. 

Sunrider Sunectar www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214

Sunrider Sunectar www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214 SunHealthAz@gmail.com

Please feel open to contacting us at our home office number : 602-492-9214 for any and all questions. We are all here to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Our email is : SunHealthAz@gmail.com 

Sunrider FREE Shipping www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214 SunHealthAz@gmail.com

Sunrider FREE Shipping www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214 SunHealthAz@gmail.com








Craig Holiday – Meet the New Sunrider International Special Business Development consultant!

Craig Holiday – Meet the New Sunrider International Special Business Development consultant!

Craig Holiday – Meet the New Sunrider International Special Business Development Consultant!

Craig Holiday - Sunrider International www.sunhealthaz.com 602-492-9214 sunhealthaz@gmail.com

Craig Holiday – Sunrider International www.sunhealthaz.com 602-492-9214 sunhealthaz@gmail.com

Craig Holiday – We are having a very informal meet and greet Craig Holiday! If you are in the area or would like to send someone from your Sunrider Team to meet Mr. Holiday, drop by and hear the shpeal ???? I had the honor of meeting Mr Holiday last week! We had a fantastic one on one!

His vision and training is especially exciting due to the Sunrider business growth that we expect in the upcoming months in the Sunrider Business  due to the exciting Sunrider International Compensation Plan changes ! 

I just returned from a overseas trip to Israel to support our Sunrider Partners there and had a first hand experience with the exciting business growth we are experiencing there in Israel due to the Sunrider Compensation plan changes. Now combine that with the Company’s leadership, mentorship, new exciting tools, teamwork and new support trainings, I expect the business to double if not triple in the next 12 months. Craig will be a great resource for us all to grow our businesses!


“Recently Sunrider hired Craig Holiday to help them create an overall program to help Sunrider grow in the future.  He has a lot of experience in the networking industry as a distributor and in helping companies create a new round of growth.  I have spent several hours on the phone talking with Craig and discussing what we need to make growth happen.  I am impressed with his grasp of what it takes to create leadership, excited distributors, and growth.”  Paul Jensen 


I was so excited to meet Mr. Holiday that I asked him if he could be available to meet with us this coming week!

Come learn what’s new in Sunrider and future business growth plans!

Here is the location of the event:


As you all know, Sunrider International is getting ready to take off in a BIG way!

Come and meet one of the industries key leaders and see how you and your team can tap into this training and growth stage!

Sunrider International brought on a special business development consultant.  His focus is training and developing tools with IBO’s.  He has over 37 years of MLM experience including 25 years as one of the top Amway IBO’s.  He has since been doing consulting work with MLM’s to help them create tools for IBO’s and also train our IBO’s to learn how to develop strong networks.  He also happens to live in Scottsdale, Az.  His name is Craig Holiday. 


Here is the link to a video.


Sunrider International understands that communication is a big thing, and his role will be to help establish a better understanding of what is needed from our IBO’s and also help to develop a training program for the downline of our leaders.


Here is the location of the event:


Join the Sunrider Fitness Brigade Today!

Join the Sunrider Fitness Brigade Today!

Join the Sunrider Fitness Brigade Today! I just love Sunrider’s new Fitness Program – The Fitness Brigade!  Its a new Home Workout System from Sunrider.Fitness Brigade
Here are some of the wonderful things I like about it:
1) Safe -The System has been carefully devised by approved by Reuben K, Chen, MD who is a  bio-mechanics expert and doctor of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at SunLiving Heatlh & Wellness Cinic in Torrance, California.  He developed the program in collaborative effort with actively serving members of the military.  The military knows how to get you into shape in the least amount of time! 🙂
2) Good for all Fitness Levels – Anyone in any shape can do these workouts.  There are modified and advanced positions for each and every exercise. You can take it slow or speed up the amount of exercises.  everything is timed, so if you want to do them faster or slower you can.  It looks hard on the video, but the modifications can help a lot if you need to start at a more basic level.
3) The Fitness Brigade Home workout system is a Total Health System- It includes the five elements of Fitness: Regenerative Nutrition, Supplements (the SunFit Pack), Resistance Training, Cardiovascular Training, and Rest.
I just love it! I do not have to pay for a Gym membership, or take time out of my day to go to the gym!  Most people do not have the time, money or even feel comfortable to go to the gym.  With the Fitness Brigade, I can get up in the morning, do a half an hour of workouts, take a shower and the get on with my day! So easy, and I feel good knowing its all brought to me by Sunrider – a company I know and trust to help me live in good health. Join the Sunrider Fitness Brigade Today!

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