
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm



Aaron and Sel Shuster:

Sunrider Independent Business Owners, helping people around the world with better health, wellness and a home-based business opportunity since 1995.

Facebook Live with Dr. Reuben Chen: Tips and Tricks using Sunrider Products on Thursday, Oct 22nd, at 12:00 PM, PT

Hope you and your family are safe and well. Please join us for the exciting Product Focus Call that takes place on October 22nd at 12:00pm, PT on Facebook LIVE! 
Sel and I want to personally thank you for being a part of OUR Sunrider family! This email is being sent to you as you have recently purchased Sunrider products, you are one of our Team Sunrider IBOs, or you signed up for our mailing list.
As we cherish you all, we want to celebrate your commitment to bettering your health and wellbeing by personally inviting you to the Sunrider Tricks and Treats Product Focus. This event takes place on Facebook LIVE on October 22nd at 12:00, PT



Please note that this call is not on Zoom and is on Facebook LIVE. Wishing you and your family a fabulous, fun and healthy day!