Sunrider Vitafruit – an Herbal Juice

Sunrider Vitafruit Slideshow

I just love, love, love the Sunrider Vitafruit!  If you want some fast, great tasting healthy exotic fruit super juice get yourself some Sunrider Vitafruit!


The herbs and veggies in the Vitafruit are full of powerful antioxidants!!!!  You can not find these fruits and herbs anywhere in any health food store!!  You will feel the energy!  Sunrider Vitafruit is a delicious herbal juice that has 15 times more Vitamin C than an orange, providing 25% of the Daily Recommended Value (DRV). It also provides 20% the DRV of Iron in one small bottle. Its loaded with vitamins and antioxidants. All from REAL fruits and herbs!    I also find that my skin looks and feels better when I nourish my body with the Vitafruit.  It’s because of all the wonderful herbs in it! 🙂 !!!

The bottles are small, making Vitafruit convenient for people on the go.  I have them in my workout bag, my business bag.  It is so easy to enjoy fast energy (in a healthy way) just open a small vial and mix in a bottle of water, cold tastes amazing!  You will feel the fruits and veggies “feed” your body and you will feel light, uplifted and full of relaxed energy!

If you really want a pick up, mix the Sunrider Vitafruit with a packet of the Sunrider Fortune Delight drink in a cold bottle of water!

make sure to put your remarks below of how you loved it!  Everyone loves the Vitafruit!

Click the picture to the left or the link below to learn more about Vitafruit.

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