We all want to feel Fit, Flexible, Vibrant and Strong – Baby Steps

Sunrider Baby Steps
We all want to feel fit, Flexible, vibrant and strong – Baby Steps
We ALL want to be able to move our body when we want and how we want, without pain and restriction. We want vibrant healthy young looking skin, no muscle pain, great looking teeth. We want flexibility, the feeling of energy and not feel lethargic. We all want a better nights sleep. We also want to wake up to a new day, rested and energized.
We all know what we need to do….
We all know that we should, exercise, not smoke, eat a diet rich of fruits, vegetables, cut back on alcohol, be around uplifting positive people. Laugh, have fun with friends and family, Work in a healthy environment and contribute to the community.
Why is it that we don’t do or have all of the above? I Think it is because of our daily habits. Our feelings and our health are all related to the small actions we take (or don’t take) each and every day.
My wife and partner in life, always says (she is 100% Right ALL the Time), that we can all start with baby steps to improve our health and wellbeing.
Maybe NOW is a good time to take a good look at what habits we can change for the better.
Baby steps
The old saying “We are what we eat” is true. I know for a fact that i feel so much better when I eat a low calorie nutrient dense diet. Most people agree with me. Most people know the feeling of fatigue after eating too much or after eating a “heavy unhealthy meal”.
We can start with baby steps. Let’s start with hydration. Let’s start with switching some of the everyday drinks and foods that we consume and see how we feel. I have found that switching out sodas, sugar drinks, “power drinks” and other caffeine drinks, to drinking water and healthy drinks makes me feel better.
The pure fact that we will not be digesting sugar and other unknown artificial ingredients into our body is already a plus. Drinking more water is an awesome way to change the PH level in your body from an acidic to an alkaline direction.
Try setting a bottle of water next to your bed at night just before you go to sleep. As you wake up, sit up in your bed and just relax and drink the bottle down, slowly and relaxed.
You will see, within the hour after you get up out of bed, you will feel “awake”. One of the reasons is that your body has dehydrated over the night time while you were asleep. Now During the rest of the day, make a small change (remember what my better half says – small baby steps) drink more water very few hours. If you want to really feel fabulous, you may want to add some Sunrider Fortune Delight Concentrated Herbal Beverage and Calli to your daily water intake.
I have found that my body feels so much better after switching “unhealthy” hydration to better cleaner healthy hydration.
The two drinks mentioned here Fortune Delight Drinks and Calli Drinks are full of a balance of Cleansing and Nourishing Plant Extracts.
The Two drinks help Detoxify the body with Anti-Aging Antioxidants. They Enhance the bodies Natural Cleansing Process and Replenish and Hydrate the body with healthy nutrients.
When I drink them (everyday for the last 27 years) I feel “light” energized, a healthy energy, unlike those “energy drinks”. My thinking is clear, and I sleep much better. I have lots of awesome stories about the two drinks…. I know you will see the difference in your everyday wellbeing, just by taking this one baby step and hydrate more with water and the Sunrider Fortune Delight Drink and the Calli Drink. They come in different flavors and packs of ten or sixty. You will love how your body feels. Your body will thank you for it!
If you are like me and enjoy a little sweetness, you may want to add the Sunrider SunnyDew or the Sunrider Sunectar to your drinks as well. Up to you 🙂

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Let’s start feeling better today with this small baby step and from there you might feel better and we can start on the rest of the list above.

Sunrider Sunectar www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214 SunHealthAz@gmail.com
Please feel open to contacting us at our home office number : 602-492-9214 for any and all questions. We are all here to make a positive difference in the lives of others. Our email is : SunHealthAz@gmail.com

Sunrider FREE Shipping www.SunHealthAz.com 602-492-9214 SunHealthAz@gmail.com