You Have To Date…. To Fall In Love! Try SunTrim Plus®  and You Will Love It!

You Have To Date…. To Fall In Love! Try SunTrim Plus® and You Will Love It!

Feel the Difference in only 30 Minuets!  With SunTrim Plus!

Feel the Difference in only 30 Minutes! With SunTrim Plus!

 My thoughts on Suntrim Plus®

OK, this product has been around for months now and the testimonials are really starting to pour in!
It seems that the long term use is powerful!
Many say their bodies have really reshaped and the product even works if you forget to take it 1/2 hour before your meal. Many of my friends take it with their meal and are losing weight! I am definitely giving it a try.
Try dating a new bottle of Suntrim Plus and see if you fall in love too!

We are what we eat, so it’s no big secret why we’re overweight-we eat too much. So how do we eat less naturally and what will happen to the fat already accumulated in your body?

SunTrim® Plus is the solution.

This is a true fat-loss product. – Dr. Tei-Fu Chen

Here are some of the differences between SunTrim® Plus and other weight-loss products on the market:

  • Decreases Stomach Capacity Naturally. If your stomach has a two-liter capacity, SunTrim® Plus will lessen it to one liter or less.* As your stomach’s volume capacity decreases and is reset to its natural capacity, you will require less food to feel satiated, thereby supporting long-term weight loss.
  • Breaks Down Fat Already Accumulated. Each highly concentrated ingredient, such as green coffee bean and garcinia mangosteen, works together to help the stomach digest and break down fat already accumulated in the stomach, thighs, legs, and rear, and flush it from your system.*
  • Highly Concentrated. Most products simply grind up green coffee bean, capsule it, and sell it. It’s not concentrated. Every ingredient in SunTrim® Plus is very highly concentrated. It takes 360 pounds of green coffee bean just to get 5-6 pounds of extract for SunTrim® Plus. It’s incredibly hard to concentrate, but we are able to do it because we invested in the right machinery.
  • No Harsh Stimulants. Many weight-loss supplements rely on harsh or dangerous amounts of stimulants such as ma huang or guarana (which can be 10-15 times more stimulating than coffee). SunTrim® Plus uses just a small amount of caffeine(found naturally in the green coffee bean extract) to jump start your body’s metabolism.
  • Is Not an Appetite Suppressor. Appetite suppressors are also widely used. It works on the brain to depress you so you don’t want to eat anything which is very unhealthy and unsustainable long term. SunTrim® Plus does not suppress the appetite.

Sunrider’s newest formula – SunTrim+ will help you in so many ways!

You will love how it helps you!

Give it a try!

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Introducing Sunrider’s Newest Product – The SunFit Pack!

Introducing Sunrider’s Newest Product – The SunFit Pack!

I am excited to be back from the FREE Sunrider Baltic Cruise I was so fortunate to attend last month! I will tell you all about that in a separate post (for those of you interested in making money with Sunrider).

But, I am even more excited to announce the release of a new Sunrider product, designed to maximize weight loss!

NEW! The SunFit Pack

Sunrider is truly ramping up their efforts to help the world lose weight! On the eve of the release of the exciting new Fitness Brigade at-home workout system, Sunrider has released the exciting new SunFit Pack.

Take a look at what Dr. Chen has to say about the SunFit Pack in this short video:

The SunFit® Pack includes five Sunrider products (each available separately) that will put you on track to the body you’ve always wanted:

sunrider sunfit packSunTrim® Plus is a groundbreaking supplement that works within 30 minutes to help you feel fuller so you don’t overeat, helps regulate your metabolism, and works to flush fat already accumulated in troublesome areas such as the butt, stomach, and thighs.* Our concentrated herbal formula contains powerful ingredients such as cocoa bean, green coffee bean, resveratrol, green tea, and mangosteen.

Fortune Delight® provides healthy, natural hydration backed by the power of antioxidants to promote the benefits of SunTrim® Plus while harmonizing with the body’s natural cleansing process.

VitaShake® is a whole-food powder with fewer than 100 calories a serving, no cholesterol, very low sodium, and very low sugar, making it an ideal supplement to help achieve your weight-loss goals.

SunBar® provides true nutrition and sustained energy in a concentrated herbal food bar. Rich in fiber and protein, it is made with whole-food ingredients such as nuts, grains, herbs, and dried fruits.

SunnyDew® stevia extract enhances the flavor of foods and beverages while supporting a healthy lifestyle. Highly concentrated, just a few drops turn even a plain glass of water into a delicious beverage, with zero added calories!


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*This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Go Green Smoothie Delight !

Go Green Smoothie Delight !

1 Sunrider EverGreen

4 Sunrider Spirulina Capsules (open capsules and pour Spirulina in)

1 Sachet of Sunrider Quinary

1 Sachet of Sunrider Alpha 20C

1 Sachet of Sunrider Fortune Delight Peach Flavor

2 Cups of Frozen fresh fruit – Variety

1 Cup of Almond or Coconut Milk

1 Sachet of Sunrider Nuplus (Apple Cinnamon)

3 Cups of Water

1 Cup of Crushed Ice

I Squirt of Sunrider SunnyDew


Blend and GO GREEN!! 🙂